"Reptile 2023: Unraveling the Mystery - A Full Movie Review"

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In Grant Singer's debut thriller "Reptile," Benicio Del Toro delivers a captivating performance as Detective Tom Nichols. However, the film struggles to find its own identity and falls apart in the process. Clearly drawing inspiration from David Fincher's meticulous style, Singer's attention to detail becomes excessive, and the narrative suffers from being convoluted rather than tightly woven. Del Toro's performance is one of the film's highlights, but it leaves you wishing it was in a movie that knew how to fully utilize it.

The story revolves around Will Grady, a real estate mogul played by Justin Timberlake, who discovers his girlfriend, Summer, brutally murdered. Detective Nichols, along with his partner Dan Cleary, quickly gathers a list of suspects, including Will himself, Summer's soon-to-be ex-husband Sam, and Eli Phillips, seeking revenge for his father's mistreatment by the Gradys. As the investigation unfolds, the script introduces a large cast of characters, including Tom's wife Judy, who assists him in solving the case.

While it's acceptable for a film to have a distinct writer's voice and director's style, "Reptile" struggles to merge style with a cohesive vision. The film boasts plenty of style, with impressive camerawork by Mike Gioulakis, but it lacks a unifying purpose. The excessive style becomes increasingly hollow as the overlong 134-minute runtime progresses, leaving subplots unresolved and characters inconsistent.

However, amidst the film's shortcomings, Del Toro's performance shines. He portrays a man who has experienced it all and seeks a peace that eludes him. Del Toro's portrayal is nuanced, allowing trauma and experience to subtly influence his body language and intense gaze. He brings a playful element to the role as Tom incorporates his real estate knowledge into his home remodeling. While there are other notable performances from Alicia Silverstone, Eric Bogosian, and Michael Pitt, Del Toro's presence elevates the film to another level, even if the movie itself falls short.

In summary, "Reptile" showcases Benicio Del Toro's exceptional performance but struggles to find its own identity. The film's excessive style and convoluted narrative hinder its potential, leaving subplots unresolved and characters underdeveloped. Despite Del Toro's standout performance, "Reptile" ultimately falls short of its promise.

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